Empowering Young Women to Educate Ebola Survivors
The Talboy Foundation is a registered 501-C-3 nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of Idaho and the Country of Liberia with the mission to assist in building a more highly educated, healthier, and economically stable Liberian and West African populace after the 2014–2 Ebola virus disease epidemic. Additionally, The Talboy Foundation provides support to desperate populations in Atlanta, the United States, US territories, Native American Nations, other parts of Africa, and wherever children/people are suffering in the world.
The Talboy Foundation believes that the most sustainable asset and the basis for an improved future will be attained through education. The Foundation will fund educational grants to Ebola survivors and young women as a means to this end. To receive assistance from the Foundation, recipients must give back; therefore, these grants and scholarships will be awarded to those who commit to giving back to their community and/or the orphanages in which they were raised to promote long-term sustainability (unless the child is a high school student or younger). All grants and scholarships awarded will be through a competitive process.
The Talboy Foundation also works closely with the House of Hope Orphanage in Nimba County Liberia where we have built a library, provided food, made essential repairs, provide educational scholarships, and provided emergency medical care.
Our model is to provide educational grants to young Ebola survivors and additionally to young women to attend college seeking an education degree who would otherwise not be able to attend school. The young woman, in an effort to create long term sustainability will give back to her community in return for her scholarship by providing 8 hours of tutoring/mentoring a week to a young Ebola survivor who is receiving a Talboy Foundation educational grant. Additionally, the Talboy Foundation will develop a program for U.S. based education specialists to work in country, in the classrooms of Liberia teamed with certified Liberian teachers. This model will increase the teaching skills of the Liberian counterpart thus creating sustainability for a higher level of education within Liberia.
The Talboy Foundation intends on delivering educational trainings/skills building courses to the young women who have been selected for a Talboy Foundation scholarship to help develop their tutoring/mentoring skills, thus creating a higher level of education. In addition to creating a long term educational capacity, this model fosters an atmosphere to where the stigma and post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) associated with surviving Ebola is addressed and healing can happen.
To expand on our successful model of providing competitive scholarships to young Ebola victims and team them with a young woman who would otherwise not be able to attend college. In return for receiving a scholarship, the young female recipient must commit to 8 hours a week of providing tutoring or mentoring services to a younger survivor, woman, or child. Recipients, therefore, will be molding their own ability to educate and mentor while providing education in the community.
Provide support to recognized organizations in Liberia who working orphans to ensure they receive a technical skill prior to be being released from the orphanage at age 18
Build smart libraries at recognized orphanages
Coordinate community healing sessions
Provide sustenance to families adversely affected by Ebola
Provide support to desperate and underserved populations throughout the world
Build and operate a school of excellence in Liberia that meets U.S. standards, specifically for those students who demonstrate a high academic level.
Build additional schools of excellence that meet U.S. standards in Liberia, other areas of West Africa and the world.
As an incentive to excel in academic studies, the Talboy Foundation believes that participation in sports activities are the key to a well-rounded student. Sport grants will be made throughout the world.
Provide health grants